Monday, December 22, 2014

My Christmas Letter to You

Hm where do I start? I've been MIA for the last 6 months from my blog, I'd apologize to any and all of my readers, but frankly, I've been having way too much fun! As the year is rounding out, and the Christmas cards are pouring in, let me write a little about my last year as part of my Christmas card to you.

For starters Mr. W & I celebrated our one year anniversary!! Yep, one whole year with an amazing man & forever to go! I feel lucky to say that! We celebrated with a long weekend in Omaha, nice dinners & fun nights out with one another. Then, we got to help Mr. W's friends celebrate in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic their marriage! My handsome hubby made a very cute beach groomsman and we enjoyed every minute helping the two of them celebrate such an amazing promise. 

Then, I came back, chopped a foot off my hair to obtain what my lovely hair dresser refers to as, 'The Lob.' If you're like me you are probably wondering what that even means, it is a long bob. If you're like my Grammy, a bob is meaning around the chin, my 'Lob,' is cut A-lined about to my collar bone. Total mom-cut, but for anyone who knows me beyond my blog, this is a huge personal success. I have not had my hair this short since 2007.

While cutting my hair off was a big accomplishment,  I have some other exciting news! Mr. W and I will be packing boxes and moving! :) Only across town, but doesn't it sound so House-Hunters-International when I say it like that? I'm excited to be moving into a bigger house but in all honestly,  I will miss our little house. Mr. W & I have a lot of good memories in our little place.  I guess it will be time to make new ones as we embark on yet another journey together.

Every year I think I get a little more sad thinking about memories past. Mr. W thinks that is the weirdest thing, but I think it is kind of sweet. I think part of me is sad to see the memories be over and done with. No matter how much I try to savor the year, it passes me by. The other part is somewhat scared and nervous of what the next year will bring. Mr. W assures me 2015 will bring nothing but good things. I can't help but know he is right, and THAT is why he is my rock. 

So, I'd say its been a great year filled with blessings of love, happiness and health. We have so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to in 2015. May each of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mrs. W